Funny Things to Do in Grocery Store

Funny Things People Encounter In Their Local Supermarket

Normally shopping for groceries is a pretty mundane task, but sometimes we can spot the strangest people walking around our local supermarkets. Whether it is because of their unusual behavior or their bizarre outfits, these odd people are sure to catch your eye.  When we least expect it we may experience a little more than we bargained for at our local supermarkets. We're checking out some of the best supermarkets fails and antics that people have spotted in at their local supermarkets that will certainly get you giggling.

Unlikely Creativity

People are always looking for new and interesting ways to market their products. This supermarket employee got extra creative when it came to dressing up the toilet paper pyramid.

Unlikely Creativity

What better way to make this household product more exciting than to turn it into an evening gown. We've got to say, the outfit actually looks pretty good. In Australia today with the latest panicked buying this dress will be worth its weight in gold.

A Whole New Meaning To The Term 'Bottleneck'

Well, this seems a little silly but apparently its become increasingly popular all over Asia. With the latest pandemic doing the rounds, some people are so worried about the latest virus that they place large bottles over their heads.


We aren't sure how useful this will be against a viral but at least they feel safe. They do look kind of ridiculous though. And don't even get us started on the woman standing next to him.

Stay In Your Lane

Imagine walking through your local market and coming across someone like this. This man in Italy decided the only way to stay away from germs was to wear a large disc that forces others to keep a distance.


We hope for his sake he walked to the market, otherwise, the drive over must have been hilariously awkward. We must admit though it must be useful in protecting your personal space in a crowd.

Mexican Madness

We are big fans of tacos. We might just have found the biggest taco fan around. When this girl's college threw a 'dress up as your favorite food' party, she knew exactly what she would be going as.


Mexican Madness

She appears to have loved the costume so much, she even waltzed into her local supermarket wearing the yummy-looking costume. We think we know what she'll be having for dinner tonight.

Lizard Queen

It is hard leaving our pets at home. This shopper just could not be a second without her exotic pet. She decided to bring him along for the ride to the supermarket. She even tied it to her hair and made her own leash.


Lizard Queen

Genius move, now this weird and wonderful pet can come everywhere with her. We wonder if this is against the store policy.

Ask My Girls

This father really went all out when he wanted to prove a point to his daughters. We can all remember when denim shorts came into fashion and as time has gone on, they only seem to have gotten shorter and no one wants to see their kids walking around is the famed "short shorts".


With his daughters claiming that the shorts are "too cute". He was quick to prove them wrong, even for the sake of embarrassing himself.

It's a Bird. It's a Plane. No, it's Just This Guy

Halloween can be a crazy time and often we see plenty of people in costumes doing their shopping. So most of the time when we see someone in costume it is because it is Halloween.


So then this should be the only acceptable excuse for this guy to be buzzing up and down the aisles. Sadly this picture was taken in November and this guy just really likes dressing up as superman and cruising the aisles.

Hair or tail?

Holy macaroni! When you start looking at this woman's hair, you can't really see anything wrong with it. Then, as you pan your eyes down the screen, you'll notice that this is no ordinary hair.


Hair or tail?

This is perhaps the longest hair we have ever seen – and we're still not entirely sure if it IS hair or if it is a tail. How did she manage to weave it so tightly together? It's like something out of Avatar.

Put Up your Dukes

Well, tensions got high in Australia when these women decided to square off over the toilet paper. Once the fighting got started it took 4 grown men to tear them apart. Turns out they were fighting over the last bag of toilet paper.


Moments later the supermarket staff refilled the shelves and these ladies were left looking awfully stupid. You gotta wonder, what's the deal with toilet paper anyway, it's not going to run out any time soon.

Young at Heart

This picture really made us consider the state of our own love lives. We're known to be a bunch of skeptics but these two gave us a little hope.


Young at Heart

Just look at this couple; madly in love, young at heart and still having fun when they're old and grey. There's nothing like true love between best friends to bring a smile to your face.

An Orange A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Well just when you think you have seen everything you see this. This old man was spotted in the checkout aisle wearing an orange skin over his face like a mask.


When asked why he said that Vitamin C was known for preventing illness. It seems no one told him he had to ingest it and not wear it on his face. Now that is pretty funny!

T-Rexing It

Imagine popping into the store to pick up some milk and eggs and running into a group of Dinosaurs.


It seems these guys decided to go shopping while wearing their T-rex costumes and the results are hilarious. We bet they really freaked some people out. While it looks pretty hilarious, this is their solution to keeping safe during a viral pandemic.

Monkeying Around

So we thought that taking a lizard into the supermarket was kinda crossing the boundaries, but then there's this. The first question that comes to mind – why does this woman have a monkey?


Monkeying Around

Second question – why did she bring it into the supermarket? Oh and third question- is she trying to hug it so she doesn't get caught, or because she believes it is her baby?

Shopping Shortage

Being short is sometimes a struggle. Your view of the world mostly consists of people's stomachs and reaching for something on the top shelf is an absolute nightmare. This young lady got creative when heading to the sugar aisle.


Shopping Shortage

Instead of asking for some help, she took it upon herself to climb the supermarket shelves to get to what she needed. She definitely gets points for perseverance!

Weird Attire

We all know that making it out the door after a long day of work can sometimes be a pain. But despite being tired and overworked, you've at least got to remember what's appropriate to wear in public.


Weird Attire

This pretty lady forgot her manners and headed to the fish aisle with a towel wrapped around her head. Not exactly a good look for the fish section.

Hot Outfit

Shopping is a necessary task, even on days when you're not exactly prepared. Halloween might not be the best time to head to the grocery store, especially when you're dressed up as a hot air balloon.


Hot Outfit

This lady managed to get her shopping done while giving the other customers a bit of a laugh

Hair Trauma

We're all for expressing yourself, but this cashier doesn't look thrilled with her bizarre choice in hairstyle. The style is definitely different, but the young lady kind of resembles a racoon.


Hair Trauma

Not exactly, a good look. Maybe she should think about finding a new hairdresser.

The Cat Lady

We all know that one lady. That older woman who has a particularly enduring love for her many, many cats. Who is always covered in cat hair and carries a small photo album of her feline family.


The Cat Lady

Now, we understand that humans and their pets can build extremely strong bonds, but taking your cats to the supermarket in a baby pram is not normal behavior.

Impressive Moves

Working long hours can be tough. You're on your feet all day and you're forced to find new ways to battle the boredom of doing something tedious.


Impressive Moves

This market employee got creative when trying to while away the hours of her night shift. Perhaps she should look into a side career as a professional contortionist?

A Helping Hand

Being a new parent can be super hard. Between teething, sleep deprivation and toddler tantrums, new mums and dads have to find interesting ways to make it through those early years of parenting.


A Helping Hand

This supermarket is obviously run by parents. They made the trip from the baby supply section to the booze section a breeze for all those new parents.

Frozen Fail

Everyone knows that having a dig in the frozen food section can be a bit of a struggle. This lady experienced the hardship first hand when she was forced to dive headfirst into the freezer to find what she was looking for.


Frozen Fail

We hope she was warmly dressed…

Lost in Translation

There's nothing like cruising around a foreign shopping mall and discovering a shop with a, particularly hilarious name. This guy stumbled upon a serious fail when he encountered a shop called 'Hotwind.'


Lost in Translation

We're not quite sure what they sold, but we are sure they didn't know their shop was named after gas. Better luck next time!

She Can Walk!

This supermarket provides some really awesome handicapped trolleys for those who struggle to get around, and we think it's such a good idea. However, some people totally take advantage of this, as the woman pictured goes to show.


She Can Walk!

It turns out, she probably can walk, and she was just using the handicapped cart because she was lazy. She proves this by standing on it to reach the top shelf.  The "It's a miracle" caption really made us laugh too.

Meat blanket

Shopping is tiring, and sometimes you just need to have a bit of a lie down to recover. This woman didn't hesitate to get comfy, but chose somewhere rather strange to do so… The meat aisle. As if that wasn't enough, she then proceeded to cover herself in meaty goods like some kind of blanket.


Meat blanket

She also looks like she's wearing her pajamas, so perhaps this was her plan all along. Each to their own.

A Princess Outing

This one is definitely going to pull at your heartstrings. 4-year-old Izzy desperately wanted to wear her new Cinderella dress when her uncle, Jesse Nagy, suggested they go see a movie and do some needed grocery shopping.


A Princess Outing

Little Izzy was worried that no one else would be wearing a costume. Uncle Jesse came to the rescue when he pulled on a dress himself. The two went on to go about their day in their matching dresses. How sweet?

Walking the turtle

We have had lizards, monkeys, and a trolley full of dogs, but this supermarket pet is quite possibly the best of them all. Sure, we're totally cool with turtles, and if people want to keep them as pets, then that's okay too.


Walking the turtle

But, to put one on a leash and take it to the supermarket – that's too far, even for us. Where did she get a turtle leash? And what if someone steps on it by accident? Clean up on aisle 3, squashed turtle!

The ferret man

As you may have noticed by now, pets are a pretty common theme at the supermarket. We have seen some weird and wacky ones, but this is definitely one of our favorites. This guy is taking his pet ferret to his grocery shop, and that's A-OK with us!


The ferret man

Our only small gripe is why he is clutching it quite so hard. Will it escape if he lets go? Perhaps he should invest in a ferret leash – you'll find them in the same aisle as the turtle leashes, we've heard.

Rainbow lady

Okay, so there's nothing wrong with someone wearing all of the colors in the world – we do, on a regular basis. We love the big bow in her hair, the rainbow teddy-bear shirt, and even the brightly colored high top sneakers.


Rainbow lady

The only thing we are so very, very confused about is the stuffed caterpillar on her leg, like some kind of leg warmer. Where did she get this idea from? Why has she done it? We have so many questions right now.

Somebody stop me!

We love The Mask movie; it's one of our all-time favorites. However, we have never felt compelled to run out for some groceries wearing The Mask itself. Oh wait, that's a face mask right?


Somebody stop me!

Did she forget to take it off or is she just one seriously sassy lady who doesn't care what you think? She needed some apples, and she was gonna get them, face mask still on or not. Yeah, you go girl!

Keeping warm

This man ain't cray! He knows that if you're going to go to the supermarket in tiny denim shorts then someone is probably going to laugh at you and take a photo. Plus, it can get seriously cold, especially near the chilled aisles.


Keeping warm

So, he showed everyone up when he had the foresight to turn up with leggings under his tiny denim shorts. He got to keep warm, and nobody could laugh at him for wearing short shorts. Oh… Wait.

Keeping cool

What do you do when it's a bit too hot for jeans but too cold for shorts? You seek out this incredible piece of fashion, for the best of both worlds. By the looks of things, this is a DIY job, and the woman pictured is clearly going to be the next Ralph Lauren.


Keeping cool

We love the little pieces of denim that connect the shorts to the bottom bits. Absolutely genius – and she'll stay the right temperature.

Captain Supermarket

Where do you think all superheroes get their groceries and random junk? The supermarket, of course! Captain America had to make a quick pitstop to stock up on snacks before he met back up with The Avengers to carry on saving the world.


Captain Supermarket

He also seems a little bit annoyed with the cashier; perhaps he was being too slow. Captain America is a busy man, you know, he has the world to save so get a move on!

Your underwear arrest

Most people get away with some totally weird and wacky outfits at the supermarket, but there is one thing they won't stand for. You can't just turn up and go grocery shopping in your underwear. You're not allowed. End of story.


Your underwear arrest

This guy tried his luck but ended up a bit red-faced when the entire police squad turned up to arrest him. In that position, you could probably wax the floor with him though – just a thought!

Til death do us part

This couple was just about to get married when they realized they forgot to get rings! A quick dash to the supermarket and they were finally ready to commit to their vows. Or perhaps they were getting married there (it's been done before)!


Til death do us part

Either way, we love how these pair have just rocked up to the store in their wedding clothes. And why not, eh?! Better than turning up in your underwear as we've learned.

Birds Of a Feather

When you're having a bad hair day, fear not. Simply go to the supermarket and put a bird on your head.


Birds Of a Feather

Simple yet stylish, this lovely yellow and bluebird head will accentuate any outfit and even make you stand out from the crowds. This lady is looking fly and it really enhances her whole look.

Did Someone Say Banana?

Take a wild guess at what this person was doing with all these bananas? Was it to make a lifetime supply of banana bread? Or to feed a family of monkeys living in their house?


Did Someone Say Banana?

Or was it to make sure that their children had a banana to put in their packed lunch every day until the end of the school year?


We all have comic book heroes. And it looks like this fully grown man is a massive fan of the Joker's sidekick, Harley Quinn.



Personally, we would've expected him to prefer the former, but Halloween is all about freedom of expression.

Tail As Old As Time

We know that BJ's attracts people of all shapes and sizes. But this is the first time we are witnessing the love child between a man and fox.


Tail As Old As Time

This fox-man is very keen to devour all of the cakes at this BJ's food counter.

Gender-fluid Grandpa

Santa left the North Pole a little early this year. Or is it Mrs Claus? Whatever the reason for it, this just goes to show that you should never judge a book by its cover.


Gender-fluid Grandpa

We just hope those who see this person from behind don't get too much of a shock when trying to get their attention…

Driving Miss Cart

BJ's really puts itself out there for its customers. As you can see, this chain decided to connected all these people's shopping carts together, forming something of a shopping train, for lack of a better term.


Driving Miss Cart

Buckle up everyone, this is going to be one interesting ride.

Pushy Child

There are times when the parent steps down from their job, and the roles reverse.


Pushy Child

In this crazy image, this boy has decided to help out his mother and push the cart for her as she attends to her other child and enjoys the ride.

Surprise Entrance

This guy was heading to his favorite clothing store for a big grand opening. We know he was excited to hunt for a bargain or two but crashing into the front of the store might have been a little bit of an over-the-top move.


Surprise Entrance

This guy actually glanced down at his phone for a moment before losing control of his car. Remember; safety first, people!

Interesting Wheels

We all know that wandering the shopping aisles can get tiring. This cute granny had simply had enough, with the help of her daughter, she climbed into the shopping cart and git wheeled around for the rest of the trip.


Interesting Wheels

She didn't even mind being covered in groceries.

Cheesy Snap

We're all guilty of going the extra mile to get that perfect picture. Whether it's a great selfie, a picture of a delicious meal or a juicy instagram-worthy event, we all want to get that fabulous snap to share with our followers.


Cheesy Snap

This lady might have been going for something more creative but we're not sure if posing in the cheese aisle is worth a post. Sorry!

Sign Us Out

It doesn't take too much brainpower to figure out what's wrong with this supermarket sign. We know that customer service is important, but magically creating a few extra non-existent weekdays is not the best advertising tactic.


Sign Us Out

Either this employee thought he was being funny or had taken a trip down the booze aisle before getting to work.

Go Jan

Women can be jealous creatures. This longtime husband certainly knows that his wife is prone to being envious. In the event that he found himself in a compromising position with another woman, she came up with a hysterical solution.


Go Jan

He might have a curious spirit and a wandering eye, but this t-shirt makes it very, very clear just who he belongs to.

Faux Fashion

It seems like someone decided to prank the shopper who had just purchased these boots by describing them as uggs, which could be short for ugly.


Faux Fashion

Or perhaps someone couldn't afford the real deal so made a DIY version.

Double Standards

Sometimes, you get out of bed in the morning, and you're in such a rush, that you make some poor decisions.


Double Standards

Or perhaps you just like brightly colored underwear.

Hot In Here

Well they left the beach to go toBJ's a bit too late if they were looking for sunscreen.


Hot In Here

The lady on the right seemed to leave hers at home. We hope they are in the aisle for aloe Vera.

Creative And Classy

Fashion trends go in and out and it seems like we've seen it all. But we think its safe to say that we have never seen someone pull of this bizarre display of style.


Creative And Classy

However, if you're trying to push the envelope when it comes to finding new ways to dress, BJ's is probably the place where you will be mostly free of judgment. While some rappers notoriously show there boxers above their jeans, this guy seems to be doing the opposite…


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